The performance “A Conversation with Aphrodite” is an attempt to say something still unsaid about the relationship between men and women. #MeToo has made it risky to come up with new thoughts about the theme. We needed an outside perspective. So, we made a YouTube talk-show with the ancient Greek Goddess of sexual love, Aphrodite. She seemed an appropriate guest regarding her esteemed competence in sex and love. What she says surely provokes the young talk-show host. At some point the French camerawoman filming the talk-show intervenes with some extremely cruel comments about the sexual competence of Norwegian men and women. Not from the perspective of time as Aphrodite, but from the perspective of another culture. It is not easy to be a male host in this show.
Fortunately, at the very end of the performance the Goddess manages to seduce and sexually assault the young host by the means of fresh juicy strawberries and whipped cream.